
Posts: Feeling the pulse?

Do you feel the pulse?

To feel the pulse means to get into things, so much that the person is only focusing on the thing he/she is feeling the pulse of. To communicate with the person is extremely hard, and your only response would be a nod of the head or luckily a grunt.

There are levels of how much the person is feeling the pulse; the order goes...

1. The pulse feeling of watching a boring movie/TV show
2. The pulse feeling of following an ant across your driveway
3. The pulse feeling of watching an very intense movie, where you have become extremely attached to a character who is walking the plank
4. The pulse feeling of being arrested for being accused of smuggling donuts across the border
5. The pulse feeling of witnessing a tragic event
6. The pulse feeling of learning that your nation was just taken by an evil dictator named Sam
7. The pulse feeling of that you will have to work as a servant for Sam for $0 a day.
8. The pulse feeling of that the entire universe will explode in a matter of seconds, and that your life will end shortly

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