
Posts: Last Page

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I have many people and things to thank for me web experience:

First, I would like to thank the inventor of the web, I don't know how I would live without the internet. Not only has the web been a haven of good times, but a time for connecting to the world around me.

Secondly, I thank Apple Computers, for making the computer I own today. Because without a computer, you can't have a internet connection.

Thirdly, I do not thank the person who created the last page, ending this internet world.

Now that the internet has ended; when someone new makes a new kind, here are some features I would like it to have:

  1. Speed of light loading
  2. Virtual Reality games
  3. IMAX 3D websites
  4. Ability to print in 3D
  5. Every thing is free!
It's going to change someday; so why not prepare?

My favorite web browsers:

  1. Safari and Firefox
  2. Internet Explorer
  3. Netscape


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